Visualisation Controls ====================== The visualisation is controlled by with the mouse and ``W``/``A``/``S``/``D`` keys similar to FPS games. Additionally ``space`` and ``c`` can be used to ascend/descend. Similarly, ``q`` and ``e`` can roll the camera. Clicking locks and releases the mouse from controlling the visualisation's camera. Alternatively, if available a controller can be used to control the visualisation. There are several additional controls which can be used. =============== ================== ======================================================== Keyboard Key Controller Button Description =============== ================== ======================================================== ``shift`` ``Right Trigger`` Increase the movement speed whilst held ``ctrl`` ``Left Trigger`` Decrease the movement speed whilst held ``P`` ``Start`` Toggle Simulation Pause ``L`` ``DPad Left`` Toggle Line Visibility ``F1`` Toggle Debug Menu (contains information such as agent counts) ``F2`` Toggle UI Visibility ``F5`` ``DPad Right`` Reload Shaders ``F8`` ``Back`` Toggle Display of FPS/SPS/Step Count ``F9`` Toggle Perspective/Orthographic Projection Mode ``F10`` Toggle MSAA (Multi Sample Anti Aliasing) ``F11`` ``DPad Up`` Toggle FullScreen ``F12`` ``DPad Down`` Save a screenshot (saved as ``screenshot.png`` to the working directory) ``Esc`` Exit visualisation. =============== ================== ========================================================