Class MessageBucket

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class MessageBucket

Bucket messaging functionality

User specifies an integer upper and lower bound, these form a set of consecutive indices which act as keys to buckets. Each bucket may contain 0 to many messages, however an index is generated such that empty bins still consume a small amount of space. As such, this is similar to a multi-map, however the key space must be a set of consecutive integers.

By using your own hash function you can convert non-integer keys to suitable integer keys.

class CDescription : public flamegpu::MessageBruteForce::CDescription

Subclassed by flamegpu::MessageBucket::Description

Public Functions

explicit CDescription(std::shared_ptr<Data> data)


Constructor, creates an interface to the MessageData


dataData store of this message’s data

explicit CDescription(std::shared_ptr<const Data> data)
CDescription(const CDescription &other_agent) = default

Copy constructor Creates a new interface to the same MessageData/ModelData

CDescription(CDescription &&other_agent) = default
CDescription &operator=(const CDescription &other_agent) = default

Assignment operator Assigns this interface to the same MessageData/ModelData

CDescription &operator=(CDescription &&other_agent) = default
bool operator==(const CDescription &rhs) const

Equality operator, checks whether message Description hierarchies are functionally the same


Instead compare pointers if you wish to check that they are the same instance


rhs – right hand side


True when messages are the same

bool operator!=(const CDescription &rhs) const

Equality operator, checks whether message Description hierarchies are functionally different


Instead compare pointers if you wish to check that they are not the same instance


rhs – right hand side


True when messages are not the same

IntT getLowerBound() const

Return the currently set (inclusive) lower bound, this is the first valid key

Const accessors

IntT getUpperBound() const

Return the currently set (inclusive) upper bound, this is the last valid key

class CUDAModelHandler : public flamegpu::MessageSpecialisationHandler

CUDA host side handler of bucket messages Allocates memory for and constructs PBM

Public Functions

explicit CUDAModelHandler(detail::CUDAMessage &a)


Initialises metadata, decides PBM size etc


a – Parent CUDAMessage, used to access message settings, data ptrs etc

~CUDAModelHandler() override

Destructor Frees all allocated memory

virtual void init(detail::CUDAScatter &scatter, unsigned int streamId, cudaStream_t stream) override

Allocates memory for the constructed index. Sets data asthough message list is empty

  • scatter – Scatter instance and scan arrays to be used (CUDASimulation::singletons->scatter)

  • streamId – Index of stream specific structures used

  • stream – The CUDAStream to use for CUDA operations

virtual void buildIndex(detail::CUDAScatter &scatter, unsigned int streamId, cudaStream_t stream) override

Reconstructs the partition boundary matrix This should be called before reading newly output messages

  • scatter – Scatter instance and scan arrays to be used (CUDASimulation::singletons->scatter)

  • streamId – The stream index to use for accessing stream specific resources such as scan compaction arrays and buffers

  • stream – The CUDAStream to use for CUDA operations

virtual void allocateMetaDataDevicePtr(cudaStream_t stream) override

Allocates memory for the constructed index. The memory allocation is checked by build index.

virtual void freeMetaDataDevicePtr() override

Releases memory for the constructed index.

inline virtual const void *getMetaDataDevicePtr() const override

Returns a pointer to the metadata struct, this is required for reading the message data

struct Data : public flamegpu::MessageBruteForce::Data

Internal data representation of Bucket messages within model description hierarchy

See also


Public Functions

virtual ~Data() = default
virtual std::unique_ptr<MessageSpecialisationHandler> getSpecialisationHander(detail::CUDAMessage &owner) const override
virtual std::type_index getType() const override

Used internally to validate that the corresponding Message type is attached via the agent function shim.


The std::type_index of the Message type which must be used.

Public Members

IntT lowerBound

Initially set to 0 Min must be set to the first valid key

IntT upperBound

Initially set to std::numeric_limits<IntT>::max(), which acts as flag to say it has not been set Max must be set to the last valid key

Protected Functions

virtual Data *clone(const std::shared_ptr<const ModelData> &newParent) override
Data(std::shared_ptr<const ModelData>, const Data &other)

Copy constructor This is unsafe, should only be used internally, use clone() instead

Data(std::shared_ptr<const ModelData>, const std::string &message_name)


Normal constructor, only to be called by ModelDescription


friend class ModelDescription
friend struct ModelData
class Description : public flamegpu::MessageBucket::CDescription

User accessible interface to Bucket messages within mode description hierarchy

See also


Public Functions

explicit Description(std::shared_ptr<Data> data)


Constructor, creates an interface to the MessageData


dataData store of this agent’s data

Description(const Description &other_message) = default

Copy constructor Creates a new interface to the same MessageData/ModelData

Description(Description &&other_message) = default
Description &operator=(const Description &other_message) = default

Assignment operator Assigns this interface to the same MessageData/ModelData

Description &operator=(Description &&other_message) = default
void setLowerBound(IntT key)

Set the (inclusive) minimum bound, this is the first valid key


void setUpperBound(IntT key)

Set the (inclusive) maximum bound, this is the last valid key

void setBounds(IntT min, const IntT max)
class In

This class is accessible via DeviceAPI.message_in if MessageBucket is specified in FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION It gives access to functionality for reading bucket

Public Functions

__device__ inline In(const void *_metadata)

Constructor Initialises member variables


_metadata – Reinterpreted as type MessageBucket::MetaData

__device__ inline Filter operator()(const IntT &key) const

Returns a Filter object which provides access to message iterator for iterating a subset of messages stored within the specified bucket


key – The bucket to access

__device__ inline Filter operator()(const IntT &beginKey, const IntT &endKey) const

Returns a Filter object which provides access to message iterator for iterating a subset of messages within the [begin, end) range of buckets specified.

  • beginKey – The first bin to access messages from

  • endKey – The bin beyond the last bin to access messages from

class Filter

This class is created when a search origin is provided to MessageBucket::In::operator()(IntT) It provides iterator access to the subset of messages found within the specified bucket

See also


Public Functions

__device__ inline Filter(const MetaData *_metadata, const IntT &beginKey, const IntT &endKey)

Constructor, takes the search parameters required Begin key and end key specify the [begin, end) contiguous range of bucket. (inclusive begin, exclusive end)

  • _metadata – Pointer to message list metadata

  • beginKey – Inclusive first bucket of range to access

  • endKey – Exclusive final bucket of range to access, this is the final bucket + 1

__device__ inline Filter()

Creates a null filter which always returns 0 messages

__device__ inline iterator begin(void) const

Returns an iterator to the start of the message list subset about the search origin

__device__ inline iterator end(void) const

Returns an iterator to the position beyond the end of the message list subset


This iterator is the same for all message list subsets

__device__ inline IntT size(void) const

Returns the number of messages in the filtered bucket

class iterator

Stock iterator for iterating MessageBucket::In::Filter::Message objects

Public Functions

__device__ inline iterator(const Filter &parent, const IntT &cell_index)

Constructor This iterator is constructed by MessageBucket::In::Filter::begin()(IntT)

See also


__device__ inline iterator &operator++()

Moves to the next message (Prefix increment operator)

__device__ inline iterator operator++(int)

Moves to the next message (Postfix increment operator, returns value prior to increment)

__device__ inline bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const

Equality operator Compares message

__device__ inline bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const

Inequality operator Compares message

__device__ inline Message &operator*()

Dereferences the iterator to return the message object, for accessing variables

__device__ inline Message *operator->()

Dereferences the iterator to return the message object, for accessing variables

class Message

Provides access to a specific message Returned by the iterator

Public Functions

__device__ inline Message(const Filter &parent, const IntT &_cell_index)

Constructs a message and directly initialises all of it’s member variables


See member variable documentation for their purposes

__device__ inline bool operator==(const Message &rhs) const

Equality operator Compares all internal member vars for equality


Does not compare _parent

__device__ inline bool operator!=(const Message &rhs) const

Inequality operator Returns inverse of equality operator

See also

operator==(const Message&)

__device__ inline Message &operator++()

Updates the message to return variables from the next message in the message list


Returns itself

template<typename T, size_type N>
__device__ T getVariable(const char (&variable_name)[N]) const

Returns the value for the current message attached to the named variable


variable_name – Name of the variable

Template Parameters:
  • T – type of the variable

  • N – Length of variable name (this should be implicit if a string literal is passed to variable name)


The specified variable, else 0x0 if an error occurs

template<typename T, flamegpu::size_type N, unsigned int M>
__device__ T getVariable(const char (&variable_name)[M], unsigned int index) const

Returns the specified variable array element from the current message attached to the named variable

  • variable_name – name used for accessing the variable, this value should be a string literal e.g. “foobar”

  • index – Index of the element within the variable array to return

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the message variable being accessed

  • N – The length of the array variable, as set within the model description hierarchy

  • M – Length of variable_name, this should always be implicit if passing a string literal

  • exception::DeviceError – If name is not a valid variable within the agent (flamegpu must be built with FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS enabled for device error checking)

  • exception::DeviceError – If T is not the type of variable ‘name’ within the message (flamegpu must be built with FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS enabled for device error checking)

  • exception::DeviceError – If index is out of bounds for the variable array specified by name (flamegpu must be built with FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS enabled for device error checking)

struct MetaData

MetaData required by bucket messaging during message reads

Public Members

IntT min

The inclusive minimum environment bound

IntT max

The exclusive maximum environment bound

unsigned int *PBM

Pointer to the partition boundary matrix in device memory The PBM is never stored on the host

class Out : public flamegpu::MessageBruteForce::Out

This class is accessible via DeviceAPI.message_out if MessageBucket is specified in FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION It gives access to functionality for outputting bucketed messages

Public Functions

__device__ inline Out(const void *_metadata, unsigned int *scan_flag_messageOutput)

Constructor Initialises member variables

  • _metadata – Message specialisation specific metadata struct (of type MessageBucket::MetaData)

  • scan_flag_messageOutput – Scan flag array for optional message output

__device__ inline void setKey(const IntT &key) const

Sets the location for this agents message


Convenience wrapper for setVariable()


key – Key of the bucket to store the message

Public Members

const MetaData *const metadata

Metadata struct for accessing messages