Random Numbers

Usage of the DeviceAPI random methods matches that of the HostAPI. The AgentRandom instance can be accessed in agent functions via FLAMEGPU->random (pyflamegpu.random in Python).

These random numbers are seeded according to the simulation’s random seed specified at runtime. This can be read and updated via host functions.





Returns a uniformly distributed floating point number in the exclusive-inclusive range (0, 1].


min, max

Returns a uniformly distributed integer in the inclusive range [min, max].


Returns a normally distributed floating point number with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0.


mean, stddev

Returns a log-normally distributed floating point number with the specified mean and standard deviation

When calling any of these methods in C++ the type must be specified. Most methods only support floating point types (e.g. float, double), with the exception of the parametrised uniform method which is restricted to integer types: Within Python the variable type must be appended to the name of the agent function.

FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION(agent_fn1, flamegpu::MessageNone, flamegpu::MessageNone) {
    // Generate a uniform random float [0, 1)
    const float uniform_float = FLAMEGPU->random.uniform<float>();
    // Generate a uniform random integer [1, 10]
    const int uniform_int = FLAMEGPU->random.uniform<int>(1, 10);
