Struct ExitLogFrame

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Struct Documentation

struct ExitLogFrame : public flamegpu::LogFrame

Frame of exit log data Extends the common log frame

Public Functions


Default constructor, creates an empty log

ExitLogFrame(const std::map<std::string, detail::Any> &&_environment, const std::map<util::StringPair, std::pair<std::map<LoggingConfig::NameReductionFn, detail::Any>, unsigned int>> &&_agents, unsigned int _step_count)

Creates a log with pre-populated data

inline double getRTCTime() const

Return the runtime compilation time, in seconds

inline double getInitTime() const

Return the time spent executing initialisation functions, in seconds

inline double getExitTime() const

Return the time spent executing exit functions, in seconds

inline double getTotalTime() const

Return the total execution time of the call to simulate(), in seconds


friend class CUDASimulation