Class MessageBucket::In

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class MessageBucket.

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class In

This class is accessible via DeviceAPI.message_in if MessageBucket is specified in FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION It gives access to functionality for reading bucket

Public Functions

__device__ inline In(const void *_metadata)

Constructor Initialises member variables


_metadata – Reinterpreted as type MessageBucket::MetaData

__device__ inline Filter operator()(const IntT &key) const

Returns a Filter object which provides access to message iterator for iterating a subset of messages stored within the specified bucket


key – The bucket to access

__device__ inline Filter operator()(const IntT &beginKey, const IntT &endKey) const

Returns a Filter object which provides access to message iterator for iterating a subset of messages within the [begin, end) range of buckets specified.

  • beginKey – The first bin to access messages from

  • endKey – The bin beyond the last bin to access messages from

class Filter

This class is created when a search origin is provided to MessageBucket::In::operator()(IntT) It provides iterator access to the subset of messages found within the specified bucket

See also


Public Functions

__device__ inline Filter(const MetaData *_metadata, const IntT &beginKey, const IntT &endKey)

Constructor, takes the search parameters required Begin key and end key specify the [begin, end) contiguous range of bucket. (inclusive begin, exclusive end)

  • _metadata – Pointer to message list metadata

  • beginKey – Inclusive first bucket of range to access

  • endKey – Exclusive final bucket of range to access, this is the final bucket + 1

__device__ inline Filter()

Creates a null filter which always returns 0 messages

__device__ inline iterator begin(void) const

Returns an iterator to the start of the message list subset about the search origin

__device__ inline iterator end(void) const

Returns an iterator to the position beyond the end of the message list subset


This iterator is the same for all message list subsets

__device__ inline IntT size(void) const

Returns the number of messages in the filtered bucket

class iterator

Stock iterator for iterating MessageBucket::In::Filter::Message objects

Public Functions

__device__ inline iterator(const Filter &parent, const IntT &cell_index)

Constructor This iterator is constructed by MessageBucket::In::Filter::begin()(IntT)

See also


__device__ inline iterator &operator++()

Moves to the next message (Prefix increment operator)

__device__ inline iterator operator++(int)

Moves to the next message (Postfix increment operator, returns value prior to increment)

__device__ inline bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const

Equality operator Compares message

__device__ inline bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const

Inequality operator Compares message

__device__ inline Message &operator*()

Dereferences the iterator to return the message object, for accessing variables

__device__ inline Message *operator->()

Dereferences the iterator to return the message object, for accessing variables

class Message

Provides access to a specific message Returned by the iterator

Public Functions

__device__ inline Message(const Filter &parent, const IntT &_cell_index)

Constructs a message and directly initialises all of it’s member variables


See member variable documentation for their purposes

__device__ inline bool operator==(const Message &rhs) const

Equality operator Compares all internal member vars for equality


Does not compare _parent

__device__ inline bool operator!=(const Message &rhs) const

Inequality operator Returns inverse of equality operator

See also

operator==(const Message&)

__device__ inline Message &operator++()

Updates the message to return variables from the next message in the message list


Returns itself

template<typename T, size_type N>
__device__ T getVariable(const char (&variable_name)[N]) const

Returns the value for the current message attached to the named variable


variable_name – Name of the variable

Template Parameters:
  • T – type of the variable

  • N – Length of variable name (this should be implicit if a string literal is passed to variable name)


The specified variable, else 0x0 if an error occurs

template<typename T, flamegpu::size_type N, unsigned int M>
__device__ T getVariable(const char (&variable_name)[M], unsigned int index) const

Returns the specified variable array element from the current message attached to the named variable

  • variable_name – name used for accessing the variable, this value should be a string literal e.g. “foobar”

  • index – Index of the element within the variable array to return

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the message variable being accessed

  • N – The length of the array variable, as set within the model description hierarchy

  • M – Length of variable_name, this should always be implicit if passing a string literal

  • exception::DeviceError – If name is not a valid variable within the agent (flamegpu must be built with FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS enabled for device error checking)

  • exception::DeviceError – If T is not the type of variable ‘name’ within the message (flamegpu must be built with FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS enabled for device error checking)

  • exception::DeviceError – If index is out of bounds for the variable array specified by name (flamegpu must be built with FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS enabled for device error checking)