Program Listing for File
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/flamegpu/io/
#include "flamegpu/io/JSONStateReader.h"
#include <rapidjson/stream.h>
#include <rapidjson/reader.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include <stack>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cerrno>
#include <numeric>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "flamegpu/exception/FLAMEGPUException.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/AgentVector.h"
#include "flamegpu/model/AgentData.h"
#include "flamegpu/model/EnvironmentData.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/CUDASimulation.h"
#include "flamegpu/util/StringPair.h"
namespace flamegpu {
namespace io {
class JSONStateReader_impl : public rapidjson::BaseReaderHandler<rapidjson::UTF8<>, JSONStateReader_impl> {
enum Mode{ Nop, Root, Config, Stats, SimCfg, CUDACfg, Environment, MacroEnvironment, Agents, Agent, State, AgentInstance, VariableArray };
std::stack<Mode> mode;
std::string lastKey;
std::string filename;
const std::shared_ptr<const ModelData>& model;
std::unordered_map<std::string, detail::Any> &env_init;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<char>> ¯o_env_init;
util::StringPairUnorderedMap<std::shared_ptr<AgentVector>> &agents_map;
Verbosity verbosity;
unsigned int current_variable_array_index = 0;
std::string current_agent;
std::string current_state;
JSONStateReader_impl(const std::string &_filename,
const std::shared_ptr<const ModelData> &_model,
std::unordered_map<std::string, detail::Any> &_env_init,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<char>> & _macro_env_init,
util::StringPairUnorderedMap<std::shared_ptr<AgentVector>> &_agents_map,
Verbosity _verbosity)
: filename(_filename)
, model(_model)
, env_init(_env_init)
, macro_env_init(_macro_env_init)
, agents_map(_agents_map)
, verbosity(_verbosity) { }
template<typename T>
bool processValue(const T val) {
Mode isArray = Nop;
if ( == VariableArray) {
isArray =;
if ( == Environment) {
const auto it = model->environment->properties.find(lastKey);
if (it == model->environment->properties.end()) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains unrecognised environment property '%s',"
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str());
if (current_variable_array_index == 0) {
// New property, create buffer with default value and add to map
if (!env_init.emplace(lastKey, detail::Any(it-> {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains environment property '%s' multiple times, "
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str());
} else if (current_variable_array_index >= it-> {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains environment property '%s' with %u elements expected %u,"
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str(), current_variable_array_index, it->;
// Retrieve the linked any and replace the value
const auto ei_it = env_init.find(lastKey);
const std::type_index val_type = it->;
if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(float))) {
static_cast<float*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<float>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(double))) {
static_cast<double*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<double>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int64_t))) {
static_cast<int64_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int64_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint64_t))) {
static_cast<uint64_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint64_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int32_t))) {
static_cast<int32_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int32_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint32_t))) {
static_cast<uint32_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint32_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int16_t))) {
static_cast<int16_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int16_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint16_t))) {
static_cast<uint16_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint16_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int8_t))) {
static_cast<int8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int8_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint8_t))) {
static_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(ei_it->second.ptr))[current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(val);
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Model contains environment property '%s' of unsupported type '%s', "
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str(),;
} else if ( == MacroEnvironment) {
const auto it = model->environment->macro_properties.find(lastKey);
if (it == model->environment->macro_properties.end()) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains unrecognised macro environment property '%s',"
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str());
const unsigned int macro_prop_elements = std::accumulate(it->second.elements.begin(), it->second.elements.end(), 1, std::multiplies<unsigned int>());
if (current_variable_array_index == 0) {
// New property, create buffer with default value and add to map
if (!macro_env_init.emplace(lastKey, std::vector<char>(macro_prop_elements * it->second.type_size)).second) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains environment property '%s' multiple times, "
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str());
} else if (current_variable_array_index >= macro_prop_elements) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains environment property '%s' with %u elements expected %u,"
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str(), current_variable_array_index, macro_prop_elements);
// Retrieve the linked any and replace the value
auto &mei =;
const std::type_index val_type = it->second.type;
if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(float))) {
static_cast<float*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<float>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(double))) {
static_cast<double*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<double>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int64_t))) {
static_cast<int64_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int64_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint64_t))) {
static_cast<uint64_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint64_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int32_t))) {
static_cast<int32_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int32_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint32_t))) {
static_cast<uint32_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint32_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int16_t))) {
static_cast<int16_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int16_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint16_t))) {
static_cast<uint16_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint16_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int8_t))) {
static_cast<int8_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<int8_t>(val);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint8_t))) {
static_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<void*>([current_variable_array_index++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(val);
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Model contains macro environment property '%s' of unsupported type '%s', "
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str(),;
} else if ( == AgentInstance) {
const std::shared_ptr<AgentVector> &pop ={current_agent, current_state});
AgentVector::Agent instance = pop->back();
char *data = static_cast<char*>(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<std::shared_ptr<const AgentVector>>(pop)->data(lastKey)));
const VariableMap& agentVariables = pop->getVariableMetaData();
const auto var_data =;
const size_t v_size = var_data.type_size * var_data.elements;
const std::type_index val_type = var_data.type;
if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(float))) {
const float t = static_cast<float>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(double))) {
const double t = static_cast<double>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int64_t))) {
const int64_t t = static_cast<int64_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint64_t))) {
const uint64_t t = static_cast<uint64_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int32_t))) {
const int32_t t = static_cast<int32_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint32_t))) {
const uint32_t t = static_cast<uint32_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int16_t))) {
const int16_t t = static_cast<int16_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint16_t))) {
const uint16_t t = static_cast<uint16_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(int8_t))) {
const int8_t t = static_cast<int8_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else if (val_type == std::type_index(typeid(uint8_t))) {
const uint8_t t = static_cast<uint8_t>(val);
memcpy(data + ((pop->size() - 1) * v_size) + (var_data.type_size * current_variable_array_index++), &t, var_data.type_size);
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Model contains agent variable '%s:%s' of unsupported type '%s', "
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", current_agent.c_str(), lastKey.c_str(),;
} else if ( == CUDACfg || == SimCfg || == Stats) {
// Not useful
// Cfg are loaded by counter
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected value whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
if (isArray == VariableArray) {
} else {
current_variable_array_index = 0; // Didn't actually want to increment it above, because not in an array
return true;
bool Null() { return true; }
bool Bool(bool b) { return processValue<bool>(b); }
bool Int(int i) { return processValue<int32_t>(i); }
bool Uint(unsigned u) { return processValue<uint32_t>(u); }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { return processValue<int64_t>(i); }
bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { return processValue<uint64_t>(u); }
bool Double(double d) { return processValue<double>(d); }
bool String(const char*, rapidjson::SizeType, bool) {
// String is only possible in config, and config is not processed by this handler
if ( == SimCfg || == CUDACfg) {
return true;
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected string whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
bool StartObject() {
if (mode.empty()) {
} else if ( == Root) {
if (lastKey == "config") {
} else if (lastKey == "stats") {
} else if (lastKey == "environment") {
} else if (lastKey == "macro_environment") {
} else if (lastKey == "agents") {
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected object start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
} else if ( == Config) {
if (lastKey == "simulation") {
} else if (lastKey == "cuda") {
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected object start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
} else if ( == Agents) {
current_agent = lastKey;
} else if ( == State) {
auto f = agents_map.find({ current_agent, current_state });
if (f == agents_map.end()) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file '%s' contains data for agent:state combination '%s:%s' not found in model description hierarchy.\n", filename.c_str(), current_agent.c_str(), current_state.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected object start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
return true;
bool Key(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType, bool) {
lastKey = str;
return true;
bool EndObject(rapidjson::SizeType) {
return true;
bool StartArray() {
if (current_variable_array_index != 0) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Array start when current_variable_array_index !=0, in file '%s'. This should never happen.\n", filename.c_str());
if ( == AgentInstance) {
} else if ( == Environment) {
} else if ( == MacroEnvironment) {
} else if ( == Agent) {
current_state = lastKey;
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected array start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
return true;
bool EndArray(rapidjson::SizeType) {
if ( == VariableArray) {
if ( == Environment) {
// Confirm env array had correct number of elements
const auto prop = model->environment->;
if (current_variable_array_index != {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains environment property '%s' with %u elements expected %u,"
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str(), current_variable_array_index,;
} else if ( == MacroEnvironment) {
// Confirm macro env array had correct number of elements
const auto macro_prop = model->environment->;
const unsigned int macro_prop_elements = std::accumulate(macro_prop.elements.begin(), macro_prop.elements.end(), 1, std::multiplies<unsigned int>());
if (current_variable_array_index != macro_prop_elements) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Input file contains environment macro property '%s' with %u elements expected %u,"
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n", lastKey.c_str(), current_variable_array_index, macro_prop_elements);
current_variable_array_index = 0;
} else {
return true;
class JSONStateReader_agentsize_counter : public rapidjson::BaseReaderHandler<rapidjson::UTF8<>, JSONStateReader_agentsize_counter> {
enum Mode{ Nop, Root, Config, Stats, SimCfg, CUDACfg, Environment, MacroEnvironment, Agents, Agent, State, AgentInstance, VariableArray };
std::stack<Mode> mode;
std::string lastKey;
unsigned int currentIndex = 0;
std::string filename;
std::string current_agent = "";
std::string current_state = "";
util::StringPairUnorderedMap<unsigned int> agentstate_counts;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> &simulation_config;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> &cuda_config;
Verbosity verbosity;
util::StringPairUnorderedMap<unsigned int> getAgentCounts() const {
return agentstate_counts;
explicit JSONStateReader_agentsize_counter(const std::string &_filename,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> &_simulation_config,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> &_cuda_config,
Verbosity _verbosity)
: filename(_filename)
, simulation_config(_simulation_config)
, cuda_config(_cuda_config)
, verbosity(_verbosity) { }
template<typename T>
bool processValue(const T val) {
Mode isArray = Nop;
if ( == VariableArray) {
isArray =;
if ( == SimCfg) {
if (lastKey == "truncate_log_files") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<bool>(val));
} else if (lastKey == "random_seed") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<uint64_t>(val));
} else if (lastKey == "steps") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<unsigned int>(val));
} else if (lastKey == "timing") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<bool>(val));
} else if (lastKey == "verbosity") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<flamegpu::Verbosity>(static_cast<int>(val)));
} else if (lastKey == "console_mode") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<bool>(val));
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cannot configure 'console_mode' with input file '%s', FLAMEGPU2 library has not been built with visualisation support enabled.\n", filename.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected simulation config item '%s' in input file '%s'.\n", lastKey.c_str(), filename.c_str());
} else if ( == CUDACfg) {
if (lastKey == "device_id") {
cuda_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<int>(val));
} else if (lastKey == "inLayerConcurrency") {
cuda_config.emplace(lastKey, static_cast<bool>(val));
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected CUDA config item '%s' in input file '%s'.\n", lastKey.c_str(), filename.c_str());
} else {
// Not useful
// Everything else is loaded by main handler
if (isArray == VariableArray) {
return true;
bool Null() { return true; }
bool Bool(bool b) { return processValue<bool>(b); }
bool Int(int i) { return processValue<int32_t>(i); }
bool Uint(unsigned u) { return processValue<uint32_t>(u); }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { return processValue<int64_t>(i); }
bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { return processValue<uint64_t>(u); }
bool Double(double d) { return processValue<double>(d); }
bool String(const char*str, rapidjson::SizeType, bool) {
if ( == SimCfg) {
if (lastKey == "input_file") {
if (filename != str && str[0] != '\0')
if (verbosity > Verbosity::Quiet)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Input file '%s' refers to second input file '%s', this will not be loaded.\n", filename.c_str(), str);
// sim_instance->SimulationConfig().input_file = str;
} else if (lastKey == "step_log_file" ||
lastKey == "exit_log_file" ||
lastKey == "common_log_file") {
simulation_config.emplace(lastKey, std::string(str));
return true;
bool StartObject() {
if (mode.empty()) {
} else if ( == Root) {
if (lastKey == "config") {
} else if (lastKey == "stats") {
} else if (lastKey == "environment") {
} else if (lastKey == "macro_environment") {
} else if (lastKey == "agents") {
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected object start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
} else if ( == Config) {
if (lastKey == "simulation") {
} else if (lastKey == "cuda") {
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected object start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
} else if ( == Agents) {
current_agent = lastKey;
} else if ( == State) {
agentstate_counts[{current_agent, current_state}]++;
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected object start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
return true;
bool Key(const char* str, rapidjson::SizeType, bool) {
lastKey = str;
return true;
bool EndObject(rapidjson::SizeType) {
return true;
bool StartArray() {
if (currentIndex != 0) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Array start when current_variable_array_index !=0, in file '%s'. This should never happen.\n", filename.c_str());
if ( == AgentInstance) {
} else if ( == Environment) {
} else if ( == MacroEnvironment) {
} else if ( == Agent) {
current_state = lastKey;
} else {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unexpected array start whilst parsing input file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
return true;
bool EndArray(rapidjson::SizeType) {
if ( == VariableArray) {
currentIndex = 0;
return true;
void JSONStateReader::parse(const std::string &input_file, const std::shared_ptr<const ModelData> &model, Verbosity verbosity) {
std::ifstream in(input_file, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!in) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Unable to open file '%s' for reading, in JSONStateReader::parse().", input_file.c_str());
JSONStateReader_agentsize_counter agentcounter(input_file, simulation_config, cuda_config, verbosity);
JSONStateReader_impl handler(input_file, model, env_init, macro_env_init, agents_map, verbosity);
std::string filestring = std::string((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
rapidjson::StringStream filess(filestring.c_str());
rapidjson::Reader reader;
// First parse the file and simply count the size of agent list
rapidjson::ParseResult pr1 = reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseNanAndInfFlag, rapidjson::StringStream, flamegpu::io::JSONStateReader_agentsize_counter>(filess, agentcounter);
if (pr1.Code() != rapidjson::ParseErrorCode::kParseErrorNone) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Whilst parsing input file '%s', RapidJSON returned error: %s\n", input_file.c_str(), rapidjson::GetParseError_En(pr1.Code()));
const util::StringPairUnorderedMap<unsigned int> agentCounts = agentcounter.getAgentCounts();
// Use this to preallocate the agent statelists
for (auto &it : agentCounts) {
const auto& agent = model->agents.find(it.first.first);
if (agent == model->agents.end() || agent->second->states.find(it.first.second) == agent->second->states.end()) {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentState("Agent '%s' with state '%s', found in input file '%s', is not part of the model description hierarchy, "
"in JSONStateReader::parse()\n Ensure the input file is for the correct model.\n", it.first.first.c_str(), it.first.second.c_str(), input_file.c_str());
auto [_it, _] = agents_map.emplace(it.first, std::make_shared<AgentVector>(*agent->second));
// Reset the string stream
filess = rapidjson::StringStream(filestring.c_str());
// Read in the file data
rapidjson::ParseResult pr2 = reader.Parse<rapidjson::kParseNanAndInfFlag, rapidjson::StringStream, flamegpu::io::JSONStateReader_impl>(filess, handler);
if (pr2.Code() != rapidjson::ParseErrorCode::kParseErrorNone) {
THROW exception::RapidJSONError("Whilst parsing input file '%s', RapidJSON returned error: %s\n", input_file.c_str(), rapidjson::GetParseError_En(pr1.Code()));
// Mark input as loaded
this->input_filepath = input_file;
} // namespace io
} // namespace flamegpu