Program Listing for File AgentFunctionDescription.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/flamegpu/model/AgentFunctionDescription.cpp
#include <nvrtc.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "flamegpu/model/AgentFunctionDescription.h"
#include "flamegpu/detail/cxxname.hpp"
namespace flamegpu {
CAgentFunctionDescription::CAgentFunctionDescription(std::shared_ptr<AgentFunctionData> data)
: function(std::move(data)) { }
CAgentFunctionDescription::CAgentFunctionDescription(std::shared_ptr<const AgentFunctionData> data)
: function(std::move(std::const_pointer_cast<AgentFunctionData>(data))) { }
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::operator==(const CAgentFunctionDescription& rhs) const {
return *this->function == *rhs.function; // Compare content is functionally the same
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::operator!=(const CAgentFunctionDescription& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
std::string CAgentFunctionDescription::getName() const {
return function->name;
std::string CAgentFunctionDescription::getInitialState() const {
return function->initial_state;
std::string CAgentFunctionDescription::getEndState() const {
return function->end_state;
MessageBruteForce::CDescription CAgentFunctionDescription::getMessageInput() const {
if (auto m = function->message_input.lock())
return MessageBruteForce::CDescription(m);
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Message input has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::getMessageInput().");
MessageBruteForce::CDescription CAgentFunctionDescription::getMessageOutput() const {
if (auto m = function->message_output.lock())
return MessageBruteForce::CDescription(m);
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Message output has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::getMessageOutput().");
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::getMessageOutputOptional() const {
return this->function->message_output_optional;
CAgentDescription CAgentFunctionDescription::getAgentOutput() const {
if (auto a = function->agent_output.lock())
return CAgentDescription(a);
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Agent output has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::getAgentOutput().");
std::string CAgentFunctionDescription::getAgentOutputState() const {
if (auto a = function->agent_output.lock())
return function->agent_output_state;
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Agent output has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::getAgentOutputState().");
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::getAllowAgentDeath() const {
return function->has_agent_death;
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::hasMessageInput() const {
return function->message_input.lock() != nullptr;
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::hasMessageOutput() const {
return function->message_output.lock() != nullptr;
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::hasAgentOutput() const {
return function->agent_output.lock() != nullptr;
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::hasFunctionCondition() const {
return function->condition != nullptr;
AgentFunctionWrapper* CAgentFunctionDescription::getFunctionPtr() const {
return function->func;
AgentFunctionConditionWrapper* CAgentFunctionDescription::getConditionPtr() const {
return function->condition;
bool CAgentFunctionDescription::isRTC() const {
return !function->rtc_source.empty();
AgentFunctionDescription::AgentFunctionDescription(std::shared_ptr<AgentFunctionData> data)
: CAgentFunctionDescription(std::move(data)) { }
void AgentFunctionDescription::setInitialState(const std::string &init_state) {
if (auto p = function->parent.lock()) {
if (p->states.find(init_state) != p->states.end()) {
// Check if this agent function is already in a layer
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
for (const auto &l : mdl->layers) {
for (const auto &f : l->agent_functions) {
// Agent fn is in layer
if (f->name == this->function->name) {
// search all functions in that layer
for (const auto &f2 : l->agent_functions) {
if (const auto &a2 = f2->parent.lock()) {
if (const auto &a1 = this->function->parent.lock()) {
// Same agent
if (a2->name == a1->name) {
// Skip ourself
if (f2->name == this->function->name)
if (f2->initial_state == init_state ||
f2->end_state == init_state) {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Agent functions's '%s' and '%s', within the same layer "
"cannot share any input or output states, this is not permitted, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setInitialState().",
f2->name.c_str(), this->function->name.c_str());
// Checks passed, make change
this->function->initial_state = init_state;
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidStateName("Agent ('%s') does not contain state '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setInitialState().",
p->name.c_str(), init_state.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidParent("Agent parent has expired, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setInitialState().");
void AgentFunctionDescription::setEndState(const std::string &exit_state) {
if (auto p = function->parent.lock()) {
if (p->states.find(exit_state) != p->states.end()) {
// Check if this agent function is already in a layer
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
for (const auto &l : mdl->layers) {
for (const auto &f : l->agent_functions) {
// Agent fn is in layer
if (f->name == this->function->name) {
// search all functions in that layer
for (const auto &f2 : l->agent_functions) {
if (const auto &a2 = f2->parent.lock()) {
if (const auto &a1 = this->function->parent.lock()) {
// Same agent
if (a2->name == a1->name) {
// Skip ourself
if (f2->name == this->function->name)
if (f2->initial_state == exit_state ||
f2->end_state == exit_state) {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Agent functions's '%s' and '%s', within the same layer "
"cannot share any input or output states, this is not permitted, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setEndState().",
f2->name.c_str(), this->function->name.c_str());
// Checks passed, make change
this->function->end_state = exit_state;
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidStateName("Agent ('%s') does not contain state '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setEndState().",
p->name.c_str(), exit_state.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidParent("Agent parent has expired, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setEndState().");
void AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput(const std::string &message_name) {
if (auto other = function->message_output.lock()) {
if (message_name == other->name) {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Message '%s' is already bound as message output in agent function %s, "
"the same message cannot be input and output by the same function, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
message_name.c_str(), function->name.c_str());
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
auto a = mdl->messages.find(message_name);
if (a != mdl->messages.end()) {
// Just compare the classname is the same, to allow for the various approaches to namespace use. This should only be required for RTC functions.
auto message_in_classname = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(this->function->message_in_type);
auto demangledClassName = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(detail::curve::CurveRTCHost::demangle(a->second->getType()));
if (message_in_classname == demangledClassName) {
this->function->message_input = a->second;
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageType("Message ('%s') type '%s' does not match type '%s' applied to FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION ('%s'), "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
message_name.c_str(), demangledClassName.c_str(), message_in_classname.c_str(), this->function->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Model ('%s') does not contain message '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
mdl->name.c_str(), message_name.c_str());
void AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput(MessageBruteForce::CDescription message) {
if (message.message->model.lock() != function->model.lock()) {
THROW exception::DifferentModel("Attempted to use agent description from a different model, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().");
if (auto other = function->message_output.lock()) {
if (message.getName() == other->name) {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Message '%s' is already bound as message output in agent function %s, "
"the same message cannot be input and output by the same function, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
message.getName().c_str(), function->name.c_str());
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
auto a = mdl->messages.find(message.getName());
if (a != mdl->messages.end()) {
if (a->second == message.message) {
// Just compare the classname is the same, to allow for the various approaches to namespace use. This should only be required for RTC functions.
auto message_in_classname = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(this->function->message_in_type);
auto demangledClassName = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(detail::curve::CurveRTCHost::demangle(a->second->getType()));
if (message_in_classname == demangledClassName) {
this->function->message_input = a->second;
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageType("Message ('%s') type '%s' does not match type '%s' applied to FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION ('%s'), "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
a->second->name.c_str(), demangledClassName.c_str(), message_in_classname.c_str(), this->function->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessage("Message '%s' is not from Model '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
message.getName().c_str(), mdl->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Model ('%s') does not contain message '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageInput().",
mdl->name.c_str(), message.getName().c_str());
void AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput(const std::string &message_name) {
if (auto other = function->message_input.lock()) {
if (message_name == other->name) {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Message '%s' is already bound as message output in agent function %s, "
"the same message cannot be input and output by the same function, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput().",
message_name.c_str(), function->name.c_str());
// Clear old value
if (this->function->message_output_optional) {
if (auto b = this->function->message_output.lock()) {
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
auto a = mdl->messages.find(message_name);
if (a != mdl->messages.end()) {
// Just compare the classname is the same, to allow for the various approaches to namespace use. This should only be required for RTC functions.
auto message_out_classname = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(this->function->message_out_type);
auto demangledClassName = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(detail::curve::CurveRTCHost::demangle(a->second->getType()));
if (message_out_classname == demangledClassName) {
this->function->message_output = a->second;
if (this->function->message_output_optional) {
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageType("Message ('%s') type '%s' does not match type '%s' applied to FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION ('%s'), "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput().",
message_name.c_str(), demangledClassName.c_str(), message_out_classname.c_str(), this->function->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Model ('%s') does not contain message '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput().",
mdl->name.c_str(), message_name.c_str());
void AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput(MessageBruteForce::CDescription message) {
if (message.message->model.lock() != function->model.lock()) {
THROW exception::DifferentModel("Attempted to use agent description from a different model, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().");
if (auto other = function->message_input.lock()) {
if (message.getName() == other->name) {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Message '%s' is already bound as message input in agent function %s, "
"the same message cannot be input and output by the same function, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput().",
message.getName().c_str(), function->name.c_str());
// Clear old value
if (this->function->message_output_optional) {
if (auto b = this->function->message_output.lock()) {
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
auto a = mdl->messages.find(message.getName());
if (a != mdl->messages.end()) {
if (a->second == message.message) {
// Just compare the classname is the same, to allow for the various approaches to namespace use. This should only be required for RTC functions.
auto message_out_classname = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(this->function->message_out_type);
auto demangledClassName = detail::cxxname::getUnqualifiedName(detail::curve::CurveRTCHost::demangle(a->second->getType()));
if (message_out_classname == demangledClassName) {
this->function->message_output = a->second;
if (this->function->message_output_optional) {
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageType("Message ('%s') type '%s' does not match type '%s' applied to FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION ('%s'), "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput().",
a->second->name.c_str(), demangledClassName.c_str(), message_out_classname.c_str(), this->function->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessage("Message '%s' is not from Model '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput().",
message.getName().c_str(), mdl->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Model ('%s') does not contain message '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutput()\n",
mdl->name.c_str(), message.getName().c_str());
void AgentFunctionDescription::setMessageOutputOptional(const bool output_is_optional) {
if (output_is_optional != this->function->message_output_optional) {
this->function->message_output_optional = output_is_optional;
if (auto b = this->function->message_output.lock()) {
if (output_is_optional)
void AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput(const std::string &agent_name, const std::string state) {
// Set new
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
auto a = mdl->agents.find(agent_name);
if (a != mdl->agents.end()) {
// Check agent state is valid
if (a->second->states.find(state)!= a->second->states.end()) { // Clear old value
if (auto b = this->function->agent_output.lock()) {
this->function->agent_output = a->second;
this->function->agent_output_state = state;
a->second->agent_outputs++; // Mark inside agent that we are using it as an output
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidStateName("Agent ('%s') does not contain state '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().",
agent_name.c_str(), state.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentName("Model ('%s') does not contain agent '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().",
mdl->name.c_str(), agent_name.c_str());
void AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput(AgentDescription &agent, const std::string state) {
if (agent.agent->model.lock() != function->model.lock()) {
THROW exception::DifferentModel("Attempted to use agent description from a different model, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().");
// Set new
auto mdl = function->model.lock();
if (!mdl) {
THROW exception::ExpiredWeakPtr();
auto a = mdl->agents.find(agent.getName());
if (a != mdl->agents.end()) {
if (*a->second == agent) {
// Check agent state is valid
if (a->second->states.find(state) != a->second->states.end()) {
// Clear old value
if (auto b = this->function->agent_output.lock()) {
this->function->agent_output = a->second;
this->function->agent_output_state = state;
a->second->agent_outputs++; // Mark inside agent that we are using it as an output
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidStateName("Agent ('%s') does not contain state '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().",
agent.getName().c_str(), state.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessage("Agent '%s' is not from Model '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().",
agent.getName().c_str(), mdl->name.c_str());
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidMessageName("Model ('%s') does not contain agent '%s', "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::setAgentOutput().",
mdl->name.c_str(), agent.getName().c_str());
void AgentFunctionDescription::setAllowAgentDeath(const bool has_death) {
function->has_agent_death = has_death;
void AgentFunctionDescription::setRTCFunctionCondition(std::string func_cond_src) {
// Use Regex to get agent function name
std::regex rgx(R"###(.*FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION_CONDITION\([ \t]*(\w+)[ \t]*)###");
std::smatch match;
std::string func_cond_name;
if (std::regex_search(func_cond_src, match, rgx)) {
if (match.size() == 2) {
func_cond_name = match[1];
// set the runtime agent function condition source in agent function data
function->rtc_func_condition_name = func_cond_name;
function->rtc_condition_source = func_cond_src;
// TODO: Does this need emplacing in CUDAAgent?
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Runtime agent function condition is missing FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION_CONDITION arguments e.g. 'FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION_CONDITION(func_name)', "
"in AgentDescription::setRTCFunctionCondition().");
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Runtime agent function('%s') is missing FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION_CONDITION, "
"in AgentDescription::setRTCFunctionCondition().");
// append jitify program string and include
std::string func_cond_src_str = std::string(func_cond_name + "_program\n");
func_cond_src_str.append("#line 1 \"").append(function->rtc_func_name).append("\"\n");
func_cond_src_str.append("#include \"flamegpu/runtime/DeviceAPI.cuh\"\n");
// Append line pragma to correct file/line number in same format as FLAMEGPU_OUTPUT_RTC_DYNAMIC_FILES
func_cond_src_str.append("#line 1 \"").append(function->rtc_func_name).append("\"\n");
// If src begins (\r)\n, trim that
// Append the function source
if (func_cond_src.find_first_of("\n") <= 1) {
func_cond_src_str.append(func_cond_src.substr(func_cond_src.find_first_of("\n") + 1));
} else {
// update the agent function data
function->rtc_func_condition_name = func_cond_name;
function->rtc_condition_source = func_cond_src_str;
void AgentFunctionDescription::setRTCFunctionConditionFile(const std::string& file_path) {
// Load file and forward to regular RTC method
std::ifstream file;;
if (file.is_open()) {
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << file.rdbuf();
const std::string func_src = sstream.str();
THROW exception::InvalidFilePath("Unable able to open file '%s', "
"in AgentDescription::newRTCFunctionFile().",
MessageBruteForce::Description AgentFunctionDescription::MessageInput() {
if (auto m = function->message_input.lock())
return MessageBruteForce::Description(m);
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Message input has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::MessageInput().");
MessageBruteForce::Description AgentFunctionDescription::MessageOutput() {
if (auto m = function->message_output.lock())
return MessageBruteForce::Description(m);
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Message output has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::MessageOutput().");
bool &AgentFunctionDescription::MessageOutputOptional() {
return function->message_output_optional;
bool &AgentFunctionDescription::AllowAgentDeath() {
return function->has_agent_death;
AgentDescription AgentFunctionDescription::AgentOutput() {
if (auto a = function->agent_output.lock())
return AgentDescription(a);
THROW exception::OutOfBoundsException("Agent output has not been set, "
"in AgentFunctionDescription::AgentOutput().");
AgentFunctionDescription AgentDescription::newRTCFunction(const std::string& function_name, const std::string& func_src) {
if (agent->functions.find(function_name) == agent->functions.end()) {
// Use Regex to get agent function name, and input/output message type
std::regex rgx(R"###(.*FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION\([ \t]*(\w+),[ \t]*([:\w]+),[ \t]*([:\w]+)[ \t]*\))###");
std::smatch match;
if (std::regex_search(func_src, match, rgx)) {
if (match.size() == 4) {
std::string code_func_name = match[1]; // not yet clear if this is required
std::string in_type_name = match[2];
std::string out_type_name = match[3];
if (in_type_name == "flamegpu::MessageSpatial3D" || in_type_name == "flamegpu::MessageSpatial2D" || out_type_name == "flamegpu::MessageSpatial3D" || out_type_name == "flamegpu::MessageSpatial2D") {
if (agent->variables.find("_auto_sort_bin_index") == agent->variables.end()) {
agent->variables.emplace("_auto_sort_bin_index", Variable(1, std::vector<unsigned int> {0}));
// set the runtime agent function source in agent function data
std::string func_src_str = std::string(function_name + "_program\n");
func_src_str.append("#line 1 \"").append(code_func_name).append("\"\n");
func_src_str.append("#include \"flamegpu/runtime/DeviceAPI.cuh\"\n");
// Include the required headers for the input message type.
std::string in_type_include_name = in_type_name.substr(in_type_name.find_last_of("::") + 1);
func_src_str = func_src_str.append("#include \"flamegpu/runtime/messaging/"+ in_type_include_name + "/" + in_type_include_name + "Device.cuh\"\n");
// If the message input and output types do not match, also include the input type
if (in_type_name != out_type_name) {
std::string out_type_include_name = out_type_name.substr(out_type_name.find_last_of("::") + 1);
func_src_str = func_src_str.append("#include \"flamegpu/runtime/messaging/"+ out_type_include_name + "/" + out_type_include_name + "Device.cuh\"\n");
// Append line pragma to correct file/line number in same format as FLAMEGPU_OUTPUT_RTC_DYNAMIC_FILES
func_src_str.append("#line 1 \"").append(code_func_name).append("\"\n");
// If src begins (\r)\n, trim that
// Append the function source
if (func_src.find_first_of("\n") <= 1) {
func_src_str.append(func_src.substr(func_src.find_first_of("\n") + 1));
} else {
auto rtn = std::shared_ptr<AgentFunctionData>(new AgentFunctionData(this->agent->shared_from_this(), function_name, func_src_str, in_type_name, out_type_name, code_func_name));
agent->functions.emplace(function_name, rtn);
return AgentFunctionDescription(rtn);
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Runtime agent function('%s') is missing FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION arguments e.g. (func_name, message_input_type, message_output_type), "
"in AgentDescription::newRTCFunction().",
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Runtime agent function('%s') is missing FLAMEGPU_AGENT_FUNCTION, "
"in AgentDescription::newRTCFunction().",
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Agent ('%s') already contains function '%s', "
"in AgentDescription::newRTCFunction().",
agent->name.c_str(), function_name.c_str());
AgentFunctionDescription AgentDescription::newRTCFunctionFile(const std::string& function_name, const std::string& file_path) {
if (agent->functions.find(function_name) == agent->functions.end()) {
// Load file and forward to regular RTC method
std::ifstream file;;
if (file.is_open()) {
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << file.rdbuf();
const std::string func_src = sstream.str();
return newRTCFunction(function_name, func_src);
THROW exception::InvalidFilePath("Unable able to open file '%s', "
"in AgentDescription::newRTCFunctionFile().",
THROW exception::InvalidAgentFunc("Agent ('%s') already contains function '%s', "
"in AgentDescription::newRTCFunctionFile().",
agent->name.c_str(), function_name.c_str());
} // namespace flamegpu