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#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "flamegpu/runtime/agent/DeviceAgentVector_impl.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/CUDAAgent.h"
#include "flamegpu/runtime/agent/HostNewAgentAPI.h"
namespace flamegpu {
DeviceAgentVector_impl::DeviceAgentVector_impl(detail::CUDAAgent& _cuda_agent, const std::string &_cuda_agent_state,
const VarOffsetStruct& _agentOffsets, std::vector<NewAgentStorage>& _newAgentData,
detail::CUDAScatter& _scatter, const unsigned int _streamId, const cudaStream_t _stream)
: AgentVector(_cuda_agent.getAgentDescription(), 0)
, unbound_buffers_has_changed(false)
, known_device_buffer_size(_cuda_agent.getStateSize(_cuda_agent_state))
, cuda_agent(_cuda_agent)
, cuda_agent_state(_cuda_agent_state)
, agentOffsets(_agentOffsets)
, newAgentData(_newAgentData)
, scatter(_scatter)
, streamId(_streamId)
, stream(_stream) {
// Create an empty AgentVector and initialise it manually
// For each variable create an uninitialised array of variable data
_size = known_device_buffer_size;
internal_resize(_size, false);
// Mark all variables as Invalid
for (const auto& v : agent->variables)
// Grab the unbound variable buffers from the CUDAFatAgentStateList
// Leave their host counterparts de-allocated until required
const auto buffs = cuda_agent.getUnboundVariableBuffers(cuda_agent_state);
for (auto &d_buff : buffs)
unbound_host_buffer_invalid = true;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::syncChanges() {
// Resize device buffers if necessary
const unsigned int old_allocated_size = cuda_agent.getStateAllocatedSize(cuda_agent_state);
if (_size > old_allocated_size) {
const unsigned int old_size = cuda_agent.getStateSize(cuda_agent_state);
// Resize the underlying variable buffers for this agent state and retain variable data
cuda_agent.resizeState(cuda_agent_state, _size, true, stream); // @todo Don't retain data for mapped buffers?
// Init agent data for any variables of newly created agents which are only present in a parent model
const unsigned int new_allocated_size = cuda_agent.getStateAllocatedSize(cuda_agent_state);
// This call does not use streams properly internally
cuda_agent.initExcludedVars(cuda_agent_state, new_allocated_size - old_size, old_size, scatter, streamId, stream);
// Copy all changes back to device
for (const auto &ch : change_detail) {
auto &v = agent->;
// Copy back variable data into each array
const char* host_src = static_cast<const char*>(_data->at(ch.first)->getDataPtr());
char* device_dest = static_cast<char*>(cuda_agent.getStateVariablePtr(cuda_agent_state, ch.first));
const size_t copy_offset = ch.second.first * v.type_size * v.elements;
const size_t copy_len = (ch.second.second - ch.second.first) * v.type_size * v.elements;
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(device_dest + copy_offset, host_src + copy_offset, copy_len, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
// Copy all unbound buffes
if (unbound_buffers_has_changed) {
if (unbound_host_buffer_size != _size) {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Unbound buffers have gone out of sync, in DeviceAgentVector::syncChanges().\n");
for (auto &buff : unbound_buffers) {
const size_t variable_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements;
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(buff.device->data,, unbound_host_buffer_size * variable_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
unbound_buffers_has_changed = false;
// Update CUDAAgent statelist size
cuda_agent.setStateAgentCount(cuda_agent_state, _size);
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::purgeCache() {
_size = cuda_agent.getStateSize(cuda_agent_state);
// All variables are now invalid
for (const auto& v : agent->variables)
// Mark all unbound host buffers as requiring update
unbound_host_buffer_invalid = false;
unbound_host_buffer_size = 0;
known_device_buffer_size = cuda_agent.getStateSize(cuda_agent_state);
unbound_buffers_has_changed = false;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::initUnboundBuffers() {
if (!_capacity)
const unsigned int device_len = cuda_agent.getStateSize(cuda_agent_state);
const unsigned int copy_len = _size < device_len ? _size : device_len;
// Resize to match _capacity
for (auto &buff : unbound_buffers) {
if ( {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Host buffer is already allocated, in DeviceAgentVector::initUnboundBuffers().\n");
// Alloc
const size_t var_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements; = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_capacity * var_size));
// DtH memcpy
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(, buff.device->data, copy_len * var_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
// Not sure this will ever happen, but better safe
for (unsigned int i = device_len; i < _size; ++i) {
// We have unknown agents, default init them
memcpy( + i * var_size, buff.device->default_value, var_size);
unbound_host_buffer_capacity = _capacity;
unbound_host_buffer_size = copy_len;
unbound_buffers_has_changed = true; // Probably not required, but if they are being init, high chance they're going to be changed
unbound_host_buffer_invalid = false;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::reinitUnboundBuffers() {
const unsigned int device_len = cuda_agent.getStateSize(cuda_agent_state);
const unsigned int copy_len = _size;
if (device_len > _size) {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Unexpected state, in DeviceAgentVector::reinitUnboundBuffers()\n");
// Resize to match _capacity
for (auto& buff : unbound_buffers) {
if (! {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Host buffer is not already allocated, in DeviceAgentVector::reinitUnboundBuffers().\n");
const size_t var_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements;
if (unbound_host_buffer_capacity < _capacity) {
// Alloc = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_capacity * var_size));
// DtH memcpy
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(, buff.device->data, copy_len * var_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
// Not sure this will ever happen, but better safe
for (unsigned int i = device_len; i < _size; ++i) {
// We have unknown agents, default init them
memcpy( + i * var_size, buff.device->default_value, var_size);
unbound_host_buffer_capacity = unbound_host_buffer_capacity < _capacity ?_capacity : unbound_host_buffer_capacity;
unbound_host_buffer_size = copy_len;
unbound_buffers_has_changed = true; // Probably not required, but if they are being init, high chance they're going to be changed
unbound_host_buffer_invalid = false;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::resizeUnboundBuffers(const unsigned int new_capacity, bool init) {
// Resize to match agent_count
for (auto& buff : unbound_buffers) {
if (! {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Not setup to resize before init");
// Alloc new buff
const size_t var_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements;
char *t = static_cast<char*>(malloc(new_capacity * var_size));
// Copy data across
const unsigned int copy_len = _size < unbound_host_buffer_capacity ? _size : unbound_host_buffer_capacity;
memcpy(t,, copy_len * var_size);
// Free old
// Replace old ptr = t;
if (init) {
for (unsigned int i = unbound_host_buffer_capacity; i < new_capacity; ++i) {
// We have unknown agents, default init them
memcpy( + i * var_size, buff.device->default_value, var_size);
unbound_host_buffer_capacity = new_capacity;
// unbound_host_buffer_size = agent_count; // This would only make sense for init, but consisent behaviour is better
unbound_buffers_has_changed = true; // Probably not required, but if they are resized, high chance theyre going to change
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_insert(size_type pos, size_type count) {
if (!count)
// Init ID for all the inserted agents
auto d = _data->find(ID_VARIABLE_NAME);
if (d != _data->end()) {
id_t *h_ptr = static_cast<id_t*>(d->second->getDataPtr());
for (unsigned int i = pos; i < pos + count; ++i) {
// Do not reassign ID if it has been set during HostAgentCreation
if (h_ptr[i] == ID_NOT_SET) {
h_ptr[i] = cuda_agent.nextID();
} else {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Internal agent ID variable was not found, "
"in DeviceAgentVector_impl._insert().");
// Update change detail for all variables
for (const auto& [v, _] : agent->variables) {
_changedAfter(v, pos);
// No unbound buffers, return
if (unbound_buffers.empty())
// Unbound buffers first use, init
// This updates unbound_host_buffer_size to match known_device_buffer_size
if (!unbound_host_buffer_capacity)
// Resizes unbound buffers if necessary
const size_type new_size = known_device_buffer_size + count;
if (new_size > unbound_host_buffer_capacity) {
resizeUnboundBuffers(_capacity, false);
// Init new agents that won't be init by the replacement below
for (auto& buff : unbound_buffers) {
const size_t variable_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements;
for (unsigned int i = new_size; i < _capacity; ++i) {
memcpy( + i * variable_size, buff.device->default_value, variable_size);
if (unbound_host_buffer_invalid) {
// Redownload unbound buffers from device
// Move all items behind pos, then init all the newly inserted
for (auto& buff : unbound_buffers) {
const size_t variable_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements;
// Move all items after this index backwards count places
for (unsigned int i = known_device_buffer_size - 1; i >= pos; --i) {
// Copy items individually, incase the src and destination overlap
memcpy( + (i + count) * variable_size, + i * variable_size, variable_size);
// Default init the inserted variables
for (unsigned int i = pos; i < pos + count; ++i) {
memcpy( + i * variable_size, buff.device->default_value, variable_size);
// Update size
unbound_buffers_has_changed = true;
unbound_host_buffer_size = new_size;
known_device_buffer_size = _size;
if (unbound_host_buffer_size != _size) {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Unbound buffers have gone out of sync, in DeviceAgentVector::_insert().\n");
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_erase(size_type pos, size_type count) {
// No unbound buffers, return
if (unbound_buffers.empty() || !count)
// Unbound buffers first use, init
if (!unbound_host_buffer_capacity)
if (unbound_host_buffer_invalid) {
// Redownload unbound buffers from device
const size_type new_size = known_device_buffer_size - count;
const size_type copy_start = pos + count;
for (auto& buff : unbound_buffers) {
const size_t variable_size = buff.device->type_size * buff.device->elements;
// Move all items after this index forwards count places
for (unsigned int i = copy_start; i < unbound_host_buffer_size; ++i) {
// Copy items individually, incase the src and destination overlap
memcpy( + (i - count) * variable_size, + i * variable_size, variable_size);
// Default init the empty variables at the end
for (unsigned int i = new_size; i < known_device_buffer_size; ++i) {
memcpy( + i * variable_size, buff.device->default_value, variable_size);
// Update size
unbound_buffers_has_changed = true;
unbound_host_buffer_size = new_size;
known_device_buffer_size = _size;
if (unbound_host_buffer_size != _size) {
THROW exception::InvalidOperation("Unbound buffers have gone out of sync, in DeviceAgentVector::_erase().\n");
// Update change detail for all variables
for (const auto &v : agent->variables) {
// Does it exist in change map
auto change = change_detail.find(v.first);
if (change == change_detail.end()) {
change_detail.emplace(v.first, std::pair<size_type, size_type>{pos, _size});
} else {
// Inclusive min bound
change->second.first = change->second.first > pos ? pos : change->second.first;
// Exclusive max bound
change->second.second = _size;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_changed(const std::string& variable_name, size_type pos) {
// Check the variable exists
auto var = agent->variables.find(variable_name);
if (var == agent->variables.end()) {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentVar("Variable %s was not found, "
"in DeviceAgentVector::_changed()\n",
// Does it exist in change map
auto change = change_detail.find(variable_name);
if (change == change_detail.end()) {
change_detail.emplace(variable_name, std::pair<size_type, size_type>{pos, pos + 1});
} else {
// Inclusive min bound
change->second.first = change->second.first > pos ? pos : change->second.first;
// Exclusive max bound
change->second.second = change->second.second <= pos ? pos + 1 : change->second.second;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_changedAfter(const std::string& variable_name, size_type pos) {
// Check the variable exists
auto var = agent->variables.find(variable_name);
if (var == agent->variables.end()) {
THROW exception::InvalidAgentVar("Variable %s was not found, "
"in DeviceAgentVector::_changed()\n",
// Does it exist in change map
auto change = change_detail.find(variable_name);
if (change == change_detail.end()) {
change_detail.emplace(variable_name, std::pair<size_type, size_type>{pos, _size});
} else {
// Inclusive min bound
change->second.first = change->second.first > pos ? pos : change->second.first;
// Exclusive max bound
change->second.second = _size;
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_require(const std::string& variable_name) const {
if (invalid_variables.find(variable_name) !=invalid_variables.end()) {
const auto& v = agent->;
// Copy back variable data into array
void* host_dest = _data->at(variable_name)->getDataPtr();
const void* device_src = cuda_agent.getStateVariablePtr(cuda_agent_state, variable_name);
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(host_dest, device_src, _size * v.type_size * v.elements, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
if (_capacity > _size) {
// Default-init remaining buffer space
const auto it = _data->find(variable_name);
const size_t variable_size = v.type_size * v.elements;
char* t_data = static_cast<char*>(it->second->getDataPtr());
for (unsigned int i = _size; i < _capacity; ++i) {
memcpy(t_data + i * variable_size, v.default_value, variable_size);
// The invalid variable is now current
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_requireAll() const {
for (const auto& vn : invalid_variables) {
const auto &v = agent->;
// Copy back variable data into array
void* host_dest = _data->at(vn)->getDataPtr();
const void* device_src = cuda_agent.getStateVariablePtr(cuda_agent_state, vn);
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(host_dest, device_src, _size * v.type_size * v.elements, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
// Perform the cuda ops in a separate loop to host inits, gives a slight bit of time to eat latency
for (const auto& vn : invalid_variables) {
if (_capacity > _size) {
const auto& v = agent->;
// Default-init remaining buffer space
const auto it = _data->find(vn);
const size_t variable_size = v.type_size * v.elements;
char* t_data = static_cast<char*>(it->second->getDataPtr());
for (unsigned int i = _size; i < _capacity; ++i) {
memcpy(t_data + i * variable_size, v.default_value, variable_size);
// All invalid variables are now current
void DeviceAgentVector_impl::_requireLength() const {
if (newAgentData.empty())
if (_size + newAgentData.size() > _capacity) {
// BEGIN: Re implementation of AgentVector::resize(size_type, bool)
// Can't call it here, as would have huge knock-on effects to which methods can/can't be const
const_cast<DeviceAgentVector_impl*>(this)->internal_resize(_size + static_cast<size_type>(newAgentData.size()), false);
// END: Re implementation of AgentVector::resize(size_type, bool)
// Check if host new agent has any agents
for (auto &newAgent : newAgentData) {
// Manually insert them to device agent vector
for (auto &v : agentOffsets.vars) {
char* dst = static_cast<char*>(_data->at(v.first)->getDataPtr()) + _size * v.second.len;
const char * src = + v.second.offset;
memcpy(dst, src, v.second.len);
// Increase size
// This updates unbound buffers
// BEGIN: Re implementation of DeviceAgentVector_t::_insert(size_type, size_type)
// Can't call it here, as would have huge knock-on effects to which methods can/can't be const
const_cast<DeviceAgentVector_impl*>(this)->_insert(_size - static_cast<size_type>(newAgentData.size()), static_cast<size_type>(newAgentData.size()));
// END: Re implementation of DeviceAgentVector_t::_insert(size_type, size_type)
} // namespace flamegpu