Program Listing for File

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#include "flamegpu/simulation/CUDAEnsemble.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/MPIEnsemble.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/MPISimRunner.h"

#include "flamegpu/version.h"
#include "flamegpu/model/ModelDescription.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/RunPlanVector.h"
#include "flamegpu/detail/compute_capability.cuh"
#include "flamegpu/detail/SteadyClockTimer.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/CUDASimulation.h"
#include "flamegpu/io/StateWriterFactory.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/LoggingConfig.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/SimRunner.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/LogFrame.h"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/SimLogger.h"
#include "flamegpu/detail/cuda.cuh"
#include "flamegpu/io/Telemetry.h"

namespace flamegpu {
    : telemetry(flamegpu::io::Telemetry::isEnabled()) {}

CUDAEnsemble::CUDAEnsemble(const ModelDescription& _model, int argc, const char** argv, bool _isSWIG)
    : model(_model.model->clone())
    , isSWIG(_isSWIG) {
    initialise(argc, argv);
CUDAEnsemble::~CUDAEnsemble() {
// Call this here incase simulate() exited with an exception
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    if (config.block_standby) {
        // Disable prevention of standby

unsigned int CUDAEnsemble::simulate(const RunPlanVector& plans) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    if (config.block_standby) {
        // This thread requires the system continuously until it exits
        SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS | ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED);
    // Validate that RunPlan model matches CUDAEnsemble model
    if (*plans.environment != this->model->environment->properties) {
        THROW exception::InvalidArgument("RunPlan is for a different ModelDescription, in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()");

    std::unique_ptr<detail::MPIEnsemble> mpi = std::make_unique<detail::MPIEnsemble>(config, static_cast<unsigned int>(plans.size()));

    // Validate/init output directories
    if (!config.out_directory.empty()
        && (!config.mpi || mpi->world_rank == 0)
    ) {
        // Validate out format is right
        config.out_format = io::StateWriterFactory::detectSupportedFileExt(config.out_format);
        if (config.out_format.empty()) {
            THROW exception::InvalidArgument("The out_directory config option also requires the out_format options to be set to a suitable type (e.g. 'json', 'xml'), in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()");
        // Check that output files don't already exist
        if (std::filesystem::exists(config.out_directory)) {
            std::set<std::filesystem::path> exit_files;
            for (unsigned int p = 0; p < plans.size(); ++p) {
                std::filesystem::path exit_path = config.out_directory;
                if (!plans[p].getOutputSubdirectory().empty())
                    exit_path /= std::filesystem::path(plans[p].getOutputSubdirectory());
                exit_path /= std::filesystem::path("exit." + config.out_format);
            if (!config.truncate_log_files) {
                // Step
                for (unsigned int p = 0; p < plans.size(); ++p) {
                    std::filesystem::path step_path = config.out_directory;
                    if (!plans[p].getOutputSubdirectory().empty())
                        step_path /= std::filesystem::path(plans[p].getOutputSubdirectory());
                    step_path /= std::filesystem::path(std::to_string(p) + "." + config.out_format);
                    if (std::filesystem::exists(step_path)) {
                        THROW exception::FileAlreadyExists("Step log file '%s' already exists, in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()", step_path.generic_string().c_str());
                // Exit
                for (const auto &exit_path : exit_files) {
                    if (std::filesystem::exists(exit_path)) {
                        THROW exception::FileAlreadyExists("Exit log file '%s' already exists, in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()", exit_path.generic_string().c_str());
            } else {
                // Delete pre-existing exit log files
                for (const auto& exit_path : exit_files) {
                    std::filesystem::remove(exit_path);  // Returns false if the file didn't exist
        // Create any missing directories
        try {
        } catch (const std::exception &e) {
            THROW exception::InvalidArgument("Unable to use output directory '%s', in CUDAEnsemble::simulate(): %s", config.out_directory.c_str(), e.what());
        for (const auto &p : plans) {
            const auto subdir = p.getOutputSubdirectory();
            if (!subdir.empty()) {
                std::filesystem::path sub_path = config.out_directory;
                try {
                } catch (const std::exception &e) {
                    THROW exception::InvalidArgument("Unable to use output subdirectory '%s', in CUDAEnsemble::simulate(): %s", sub_path.generic_string().c_str(), e.what());
    // Purge run logs, and resize ready for new runs
    // Resize means we can setup logs during execution out of order, without risk of list being reallocated
    // Workout how many devices and runner we will be executing
    // if MPI is enabled, This will throw exceptions if any rank has 0 GPUs visible, prior to device allocation preventing issues where rank 0 would not be participating.
    int device_count = -1;
    cudaError_t cudaStatus = cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count);
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        THROW exception::InvalidCUDAdevice("Error finding CUDA devices!  Do you have a CUDA-capable GPU installed?, in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()");
    if (device_count == 0) {
        THROW exception::InvalidCUDAdevice("Error no CUDA devices found!, in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()");
    for (const int id : config.devices) {
        if (id >= device_count) {
            THROW exception::InvalidCUDAdevice("Requested CUDA device %d is not valid, only %d CUDA devices available!, in CUDAEnsemble::simulate()", id, device_count);

    // Select the actual devices to be used, based on user provided gpus, architecture compatibility, and optionally mpi ranks per node.
    // For non-mpi builds / configurations, just use all the devices provided by the user / all visible devices (then check they are valid later)
    // For MPI builds with mpi enabled, load balance the gpus across mpi ranks within the shared memory system. If there are more ranks than gpus, latter ranks will not participate.
    std::set<int> devices;
    // initialise the local devices set to be the non-mpi behaviour, using config.devices or all visible cuda devices
    if (config.devices.size()) {
        devices = config.devices;
    } else {
        // If no devices were specified by the user, use all visible devices but load balance if MPI is in use.
        for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) {
    // if MPI is enabled at compile time, use the MPIEnsemble method to assign devices balanced across ranks
    devices = mpi->devicesForThisRank(devices);
#endif  // ifdef FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_MPI

    // Check that each device is capable, and init cuda context
    for (auto d = devices.begin(); d != devices.end(); ++d) {
        if (!detail::compute_capability::checkComputeCapability(*d)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "FLAMEGPU2 has not been built with an appropriate compute capability for device %d, this device will not be used.\n", *d);
            d = devices.erase(d);
        } else {
    // Return to device 0 (or check original device first?)

    // If there are no devices left (and mpi is not being used), we need to error as the work cannot be executed.
    if (devices.size() == 0) {
        THROW exception::InvalidCUDAdevice("FLAMEGPU2 has not been built with an appropraite compute capability for any devices, unable to continue\n");
#endif  // ifndef FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_MPI

    // Once the number of devices per rank is known, we can create the actual communicator to be used during MPI, so we can warn/error as needed.
    // This rank is participating if it has atleast one device assigned to it.
    // Rank 0 will be participating at this point, otherwise InvalidCUDAdevice would have been thrown
    // This also implies the participating communicator cannot have a size of 0, as atleast one thread must be participating at this point, but throw in that case just in case.
    bool communicatorCreated = mpi->createParticipatingCommunicator(devices.size() > 0);
    // If the communicator failed to be created or is empty for any participating threads, throw. This should never occur.
    if (!communicatorCreated || mpi->getParticipatingCommSize() == 0) {
        THROW exception::EnsembleError("Unable to create MPI communicator. Ensure atleast one GPU is visible.\n");
    // If the world size is not the participating size, issue a warning.that too many threads have been used.
    if (mpi->world_rank == 0 && mpi->world_size != mpi->getParticipatingCommSize() && config.verbosity >= Verbosity::Default) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: MPI Ensemble launched with %d MPI ranks, but only %d ranks have GPUs assigned. %d ranks are unneccesary.\n", mpi->world_size, mpi->getParticipatingCommSize(), mpi->world_size - mpi->getParticipatingCommSize());

    const unsigned int TOTAL_RUNNERS = static_cast<unsigned int>(devices.size()) * config.concurrent_runs;

    // Log Time (We can't use CUDA events here, due to device resets)
    auto ensemble_timer = detail::SteadyClockTimer();
    // Reset the elapsed time.
    ensemble_elapsed_time = 0.;

    // Logging thread-safety items
    std::queue<unsigned int> log_export_queue;
    std::mutex log_export_queue_mutex;
    std::condition_variable log_export_queue_cdn;
    // In MPI mode, Rank 0 will collect errors from all ranks
    std::multimap<int, detail::AbstractSimRunner::ErrorDetail> err_detail = {};
    std::vector<detail::AbstractSimRunner::ErrorDetail> err_detail_local = {};

    // Init log worker
    detail::SimLogger *log_worker = nullptr;
    if (!config.out_directory.empty()) {
        log_worker = new detail::SimLogger(run_logs, plans, config.out_directory, config.out_format, log_export_queue, log_export_queue_mutex, log_export_queue_cdn,
        step_log_config.get(), exit_log_config.get(), step_log_config && step_log_config->log_timing, exit_log_config && exit_log_config->log_timing);

    // In MPI mode, only Rank 0 increments the error counter
    unsigned int err_count = 0;
    if (config.mpi) {
        // Setup MPISimRunners
        detail::MPISimRunner** runners = static_cast<detail::MPISimRunner**>(malloc(sizeof(detail::MPISimRunner*) * TOTAL_RUNNERS));
        std::vector<std::atomic<unsigned int>> err_cts(TOTAL_RUNNERS);
        std::vector<std::atomic<unsigned int>> next_runs(TOTAL_RUNNERS);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOTAL_RUNNERS; ++i) {
            err_cts[i] = UINT_MAX;
            next_runs[i] = detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RequestJob;
            unsigned int i = 0;
            for (auto& d : devices) {
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < config.concurrent_runs; ++j) {
                    runners[i] = new detail::MPISimRunner(model, err_cts[i], next_runs[i], plans,
                        step_log_config, exit_log_config,
                        d, j,
                        run_logs, log_export_queue, log_export_queue_mutex, log_export_queue_cdn, err_detail_local, TOTAL_RUNNERS, isSWIG);
        // Wait for runners to request work, then communicate via MPI to get assignments
        // If work_rank == 0, also perform the assignments
        if (mpi->world_rank == 0) {
            unsigned int next_run = 0;
            MPI_Status status;
            int flag;
            int mpi_runners_fin = 1;  // Start at 1 because we have always already finished
            // Wait for all runs to have been assigned, and all MPI runners to have been notified of fin
            while (next_run < plans.size() || mpi_runners_fin < mpi->getParticipatingCommSize()) {
                // Check for errors
                const int t_err_count = mpi->receiveErrors(err_detail);
                err_count += t_err_count;
                if (t_err_count && config.error_level == EnsembleConfig::Fast) {
                    // Skip to end to kill workers
                    next_run = plans.size();
                // Check whether local runners require a job assignment
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < next_runs.size(); ++i) {
                    auto &r = next_runs[i];
                    unsigned int run_id = r.load();
                    if (run_id == detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RunFailed) {
                        // Retrieve and handle local error detail
                        mpi->retrieveLocalErrorDetail(log_export_queue_mutex, err_detail, err_detail_local, i, devices);
                        if (config.error_level == EnsembleConfig::Fast) {
                            // Skip to end to kill workers
                            next_run = plans.size();
                        run_id = detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RequestJob;
                    if (run_id == detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RequestJob) {
                        // Print progress to console
                        if (config.verbosity >= Verbosity::Default && next_run <= plans.size()) {
                            fprintf(stdout, "MPI ensemble assigned run %d/%u to rank 0\n", next_run, static_cast<unsigned int>(plans.size()));
                // Check whether MPI runners require a job assignment
                mpi_runners_fin += mpi->receiveJobRequests(next_run);
                // Yield, rather than hammering the processor
        } else if (mpi->getRankIsParticipating()) {
            // Wait for all runs to have been assigned, and all MPI runners to have been notified of fin. ranks without GPU(s) do not request jobs.
            unsigned int next_run = 0;
            MPI_Status status;
            while (next_run < plans.size()) {
                // Check whether local runners require a job assignment
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOTAL_RUNNERS; ++i) {
                    unsigned int runner_status = next_runs[i].load();
                    if (runner_status == detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RunFailed) {
                        // Fetch the job id, increment local error counter
                        const unsigned int failed_run_id = err_cts[i].exchange(UINT_MAX);
                        // Retrieve and handle local error detail
                        mpi->retrieveLocalErrorDetail(log_export_queue_mutex, err_detail, err_detail_local, i, devices);
                        runner_status = detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RequestJob;
                    if (runner_status == detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RequestJob) {
                        next_run = mpi->requestJob();
                        // Pass the job to runner that requested it
                        // Break if assigned job is out of range, work is finished
                        if (next_run >= plans.size()) {

        // Notify all local runners to exit
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOTAL_RUNNERS; ++i) {
            auto &r = next_runs[i];
            if ( == detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RunFailed) {
                // Retrieve and handle local error detail
                mpi->retrieveLocalErrorDetail(log_export_queue_mutex, err_detail, err_detail_local, i, devices);
        // Wait for all runners to exit
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOTAL_RUNNERS; ++i) {
            delete runners[i];
            if (next_runs[i].load() == detail::MPISimRunner::Signal::RunFailed) {
                // Retrieve and handle local error detail
                mpi->retrieveLocalErrorDetail(log_export_queue_mutex, err_detail, err_detail_local, i, devices);
    } else {
        detail::SimRunner** runners = static_cast<detail::SimRunner**>(malloc(sizeof(detail::SimRunner*) * TOTAL_RUNNERS));
        std::atomic<unsigned int> err_ct = { 0u };
        std::atomic<unsigned int> next_runs = { 0u };
        // Setup SimRunners
            unsigned int i = 0;
            for (auto& d : devices) {
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < config.concurrent_runs; ++j) {
                    runners[i] = new detail::SimRunner(model, err_ct, next_runs, plans,
                        step_log_config, exit_log_config,
                        d, j,
                        config.verbosity, config.error_level == EnsembleConfig::Fast,
                        run_logs, log_export_queue, log_export_queue_mutex, log_export_queue_cdn, err_detail_local, TOTAL_RUNNERS, isSWIG);
        // Wait for all runners to exit
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOTAL_RUNNERS; ++i) {
            delete runners[i];
        err_count = err_ct;

    // Notify logger to exit
    if (log_worker) {
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(log_export_queue_mutex);
        delete log_worker;
        log_worker = nullptr;

    std::string remote_device_names;
    if (config.mpi) {
        // Ensure all workers have finished before exit
        // Check whether MPI runners have reported any final errors
        err_count += mpi->receiveErrors(err_detail);
        if (config.telemetry) {
            // All ranks should notify rank 0 of their GPU devices
            remote_device_names = mpi->assembleGPUsString();
    // Record and store the elapsed time
    ensemble_elapsed_time = ensemble_timer.getElapsedSeconds();

    // Ensemble has finished, print summary
    if (config.verbosity > Verbosity::Quiet &&
        (!config.mpi || mpi->world_rank == 0) &&
       (config.error_level != EnsembleConfig::Fast || err_count == 0)) {
        printf("\rCUDAEnsemble completed %u runs successfully!\n", static_cast<unsigned int>(plans.size() - err_count));
        if (err_count)
            printf("There were a total of %u errors.\n", err_count);
    if ((config.timing || config.verbosity >= Verbosity::Verbose) &&
    (!config.mpi || mpi->world_rank == 0) &&
       (config.error_level != EnsembleConfig::Fast || err_count == 0)) {
        printf("Ensemble time elapsed: %fs\n", ensemble_elapsed_time);

    // Send Telemetry
    if (config.telemetry
       && (!config.mpi || mpi->world_rank == 0)
    ) {
        // Generate some payload items
        std::map<std::string, std::string> payload_items;
        payload_items["GPUDevices"] = flamegpu::detail::compute_capability::getDeviceNames(config.devices);
        payload_items["GPUDevices"] = flamegpu::detail::compute_capability::getDeviceNames(config.devices) + remote_device_names;
        payload_items["SimTime(s)"] = std::to_string(ensemble_elapsed_time);
#if defined(__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__) && defined(__CUDACC_VER_MINOR__) && defined(__CUDACC_VER_BUILD__)
        payload_items["NVCCVersion"] = std::to_string(__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__) + "." + std::to_string(__CUDACC_VER_MINOR__) + "." + std::to_string(__CUDACC_VER_BUILD__);
        // Add the ensemble size to the ensemble telemetry payload
        payload_items["PlansSize"] = std::to_string(plans.size());
        payload_items["ConcurrentRuns"] = std::to_string(config.concurrent_runs);
        // Add MPI details to the ensemble telemetry payload
        payload_items["mpi"] = config.mpi ? "true" : "false";
        payload_items["mpi_world_size"] = std::to_string(mpi->world_size);
        // generate telemetry data
        std::string telemetry_data = flamegpu::io::Telemetry::generateData("ensemble-run", payload_items, isSWIG);
        // send the telemetry packet
        bool telemetrySuccess = flamegpu::io::Telemetry::sendData(telemetry_data);
        // If verbose, print either a successful send, or a misc warning.
        if (config.verbosity >= Verbosity::Verbose) {
            if (telemetrySuccess) {
                fprintf(stdout, "Telemetry packet sent to '%s' json was: %s\n", flamegpu::io::Telemetry::TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT, telemetry_data.c_str());
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Usage statistics for CUDAEnsemble failed to send.\n");
    } else {
        // Encourage users who have opted out to opt back in, unless suppressed.
        if ((config.verbosity > Verbosity::Quiet)
            && (!config.mpi || mpi->world_rank == 0)
        ) {

    if (config.mpi && mpi->world_rank != 0) {
        // All errors are reported via rank 0
        err_count = 0;

    if (config.error_level == EnsembleConfig::Fast && err_count) {
        if (config.mpi) {
            for (const auto &e : err_detail) {
                THROW exception::EnsembleError("Run %u failed on rank %d, device %d, thread %u with exception: \n%s\n",
                    e.second.run_id, e.first, e.second.device_id, e.second.runner_id, e.second.exception_string);
        THROW exception::EnsembleError("Run %u failed on device %d, thread %u with exception: \n%s\n",
            err_detail_local[0].run_id, err_detail_local[0].device_id, err_detail_local[0].runner_id, err_detail_local[0].exception_string);
    } else if (config.error_level == EnsembleConfig::Slow && err_count) {
        THROW exception::EnsembleError("%u/%u runs failed!\n.", err_count, static_cast<unsigned int>(plans.size()));
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    if (config.block_standby) {
        // Disable prevention of standby

    return err_count;

void CUDAEnsemble::initialise(int argc, const char** argv) {
    if (!checkArgs(argc, argv)) {
    // If verbose, output the flamegpu version and seed.
    if (config.verbosity == Verbosity::Verbose) {
        fprintf(stdout, "FLAME GPU %s\n", flamegpu::VERSION_FULL);
        fprintf(stdout, "Ensemble configuration:\n");
        fprintf(stdout, "\tConcurrent runs: %u\n", config.concurrent_runs);
int CUDAEnsemble::checkArgs(int argc, const char** argv) {
    // Parse optional args
    int i = 1;
    for (; i < argc; i++) {
        // Get arg as lowercase
        std::string arg(argv[i]);
        std::transform(arg.begin(), arg.end(), arg.begin(), [](unsigned char c) { return std::use_facet< std::ctype<char>>(std::locale()).tolower(c); });
        // -h/--help. Print the help output and exit.
        if ("--help") == 0 ||"-h") == 0) {
            return false;
        // --concurrent <runs>, Number of concurrent simulations to run per device
        if ("--concurrent") == 0 ||"-c") == 0) {
            if (i + 1 >= argc) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s requires a trailing argument\n", arg.c_str());
                return false;
            config.concurrent_runs = static_cast<unsigned int>(strtoul(argv[++i], nullptr, 0));
        // --devices <string>, comma separated list of uints
        if ("--devices") == 0 ||"-d") == 0) {
            if (i + 1 >= argc) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s requires a trailing argument\n", arg.c_str());
                return false;
            // Split and parse string
            std::string device_string = argv[++i];
            device_string += ",";  // Append comma, to catch final item
            int max_id = 0;  // Catch max device so we can validate it exists
            size_t pos;
            while ((pos = device_string.find(",")) != std::string::npos) {
                const unsigned int id = static_cast<unsigned int>(strtoul(device_string.substr(0, pos).c_str(), nullptr, 0));
                if (id == 0 && (device_string.length() < 2 || (device_string[0] != '0' || device_string[1] != ','))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a valid device index.\n", device_string.substr(0, pos).c_str());
                    return false;
                max_id = static_cast<int>(id) > max_id ? id : max_id;
                device_string.erase(0, pos + 1);
            int ct = -1;
            if (max_id >= ct) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Device id %u exceeds available CUDA devices %d\n", max_id, ct);
                return false;
        // -o/--out <directory> <filetype>, Quiet FLAME GPU output.
        if ("--out") == 0 ||"-o") == 0) {
            if (i + 2 >= argc) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s requires two trailing arguments\n", arg.c_str());
                return false;
            // Validate output directory is valid (and recursively create it if necessary)
            try {
                std::filesystem::path out_directory = argv[++i];
                config.out_directory = out_directory.generic_string();
            } catch (const std::exception &e) {
                // Catch any exceptions, probably std::filesystem::filesystem_error, but other implementation defined errors also possible
                fprintf(stderr, "Unable to use '%s' as output directory:\n%s\n", argv[i], e.what());
                return false;
            // Validate output format is available in io module
            config.out_format = io::StateWriterFactory::detectSupportedFileExt(argv[++i]);
            if (config.out_format.empty()) {
                fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a supported output file type.\n", argv[i]);
                return false;
        // -q/--quiet, Don't report progress to console.
        if ("--quiet") == 0 ||"-q") == 0) {
            config.verbosity = Verbosity::Quiet;
        // -v/--verbose, Report all progress to console.
        if ("--verbose") == 0 ||"-v") == 0) {
            config.verbosity = Verbosity::Verbose;
        // -t/--timing, Output timing information to stdout
        if ("--timing") == 0 ||"-t") == 0) {
            config.timing = true;
        // -u/--silence-unknown-args, Silence warning for unknown arguments
        if ("--silence-unknown-args") == 0 ||"-u") == 0) {
            config.silence_unknown_args = true;
        // -e/--error, Specify the error level
        if ("--error") == 0 ||"-e") == 0) {
            if (i + 1 >= argc) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s requires a trailing argument\n", arg.c_str());
                return false;
            std::string error_level_string = argv[++i];
            // Shift the trailing arg to lower
            std::transform(error_level_string.begin(), error_level_string.end(), error_level_string.begin(), [](unsigned char c) { return std::use_facet< std::ctype<char>>(std::locale()).tolower(c); });
            if ("off") == 0 || == 0) {
                config.error_level = EnsembleConfig::Off;
            } else if ("slow") == 0 || == 0) {
                config.error_level = EnsembleConfig::Slow;
            } else if ("fast") == 0 || == 0) {
                config.error_level = EnsembleConfig::Fast;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s is not an appropriate argument for %s\n", error_level_string.c_str(), arg.c_str());
                return false;
        // --truncate, Truncate output files
        if ("--truncate") == 0) {
            config.truncate_log_files = true;
        // --standby Disable the blocking of standby
        if ("--standby") == 0) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
            config.block_standby = false;
        // Warning if not in QUIET verbosity or if silence-unknown-args is set
        if (!(config.verbosity == flamegpu::Verbosity::Quiet || config.silence_unknown_args))
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unknown argument '%s' passed to Ensemble will be ignored\n", arg.c_str());
    return true;
void CUDAEnsemble::printHelp(const char *executable) {
    printf("FLAME GPU %s\n", flamegpu::VERSION_FULL);
    printf("Usage: %s [optional arguments]\n", executable);
    printf("Optional Arguments:\n");
    const char *line_fmt = "%-18s %s\n";
    printf(line_fmt, "-h, --help", "show this help message and exit");
    printf(line_fmt, "-d, --devices <device ids>", "Comma separated list of device ids to be used");
    printf(line_fmt, "", "By default, all available devices will be used.");
    printf(line_fmt, "-c, --concurrent <runs>", "Number of concurrent simulations to run per device");
    printf(line_fmt, "", "By default, 4 will be used.");
    printf(line_fmt, "-o, --out <directory> <filetype>", "Directory and filetype for ensemble outputs");
    printf(line_fmt, "-q, --quiet", "Do not print progress information to console");
    printf(line_fmt, "-v, --verbose", "Print config, progress and timing (-t) information to console");
    printf(line_fmt, "-t, --timing", "Output timing information to stdout");
    printf(line_fmt, "-e, --error <error level>", "The error level 0, 1, 2, off, slow or fast");
    printf(line_fmt, "", "By default, \"slow\" will be used.");
    printf(line_fmt, "-u, --silence-unknown-args", "Silence warnings for unknown arguments passed after this flag.");
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    printf(line_fmt, "    --standby", "Allow the machine to enter standby during execution");
void CUDAEnsemble::setStepLog(const StepLoggingConfig &stepConfig) {
    // Validate ModelDescription matches
    if (*stepConfig.model != *model) {
      THROW exception::InvalidArgument("Model descriptions attached to LoggingConfig and CUDAEnsemble do not match, in CUDAEnsemble::setStepLog()\n");
    // Set internal config
    step_log_config = std::make_shared<StepLoggingConfig>(stepConfig);
void CUDAEnsemble::setExitLog(const LoggingConfig &exitConfig) {
    // Validate ModelDescription matches
    if (*exitConfig.model != *model) {
      THROW exception::InvalidArgument("Model descriptions attached to LoggingConfig and CUDAEnsemble do not match, in CUDAEnsemble::setExitLog()\n");
    // Set internal config
    exit_log_config = std::make_shared<LoggingConfig>(exitConfig);
const std::map<unsigned int, RunLog> &CUDAEnsemble::getLogs() {
    return run_logs;
}  // namespace flamegpu