Program Listing for File
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#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/RandomManager.cuh"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include "flamegpu/detail/curand.cuh"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/detail/CUDAErrorChecking.cuh"
#include "flamegpu/simulation/CUDASimulation.h"
#include "flamegpu/detail/cuda.cuh"
namespace flamegpu {
namespace detail {
RandomManager::RandomManager() :
deviceInitialised(false) {
reseed(static_cast<uint64_t>(seedFromTime() % UINT_MAX));
RandomManager::~RandomManager() {
free(); // @todo call free/freeDevice not in the constructor! instead just log that?
uint64_t RandomManager::seedFromTime() {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(time(nullptr));
void RandomManager::reseedHost() {
host_rng = std::mt19937_64();
// Reset host random generator/s
void RandomManager::reseedDevice() {
// curand is initialised on access if length does not match. This would need a second device length?
void RandomManager::reseed(const uint64_t seed) {
// Set the instance's seed to the new value
mSeed = seed;
// Apply the new seed to the host
// Apply the new seed to the device.
void RandomManager::freeHost() {
// Release host_max
if (h_max_random_state) {
h_max_random_state = nullptr;
h_max_random_size = 0;
void RandomManager::freeDevice() {
// Clear size - length is just for the device portion?
length = 0;
if (deviceInitialised) {
// Set the device's internal size to 0.
length = 0;
// Release old random states on the deivce and update pointers.
if (d_random_state) {
d_random_state = nullptr;
void RandomManager::free() {
// Free the host and device.
detail::curandState *RandomManager::resize(size_type _length, cudaStream_t stream) {
assert(growthModifier > 1.0);
assert(shrinkModifier > 0.0);
assert(shrinkModifier <= 1.0);
auto t_length = length;
if (length) {
while (t_length < _length) {
t_length = static_cast<flamegpu::size_type>(t_length * growthModifier);
if (shrinkModifier < 1.0f) {
while (t_length * shrinkModifier > _length) {
t_length = static_cast<flamegpu::size_type>(t_length * shrinkModifier);
} else { // Special case for first run
t_length = _length;
// Don't allow array to go below RandomManager::min_length elements
t_length = std::max<size_type>(t_length, RandomManager::min_length);
if (t_length != length)
resizeDeviceArray(t_length, stream);
return d_random_state;
__global__ void init_curand(detail::curandState *d_random_state, unsigned int threadCount, uint64_t seed, flamegpu::size_type offset) {
int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (id < threadCount)
curand_init(seed, offset + id, 0, &d_random_state[offset + id]);
void RandomManager::resizeDeviceArray(const size_type _length, cudaStream_t stream) {
// Mark that the device hsa now been initialised.
deviceInitialised = true;
if (_length > h_max_random_size) {
// Growing array
detail::curandState *t_hd_random_state = nullptr;
// Allocate new mem to t_hd
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&t_hd_random_state, _length * sizeof(detail::curandState)));
// Copy hd->t_hd[**** ]
if (d_random_state) {
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(t_hd_random_state, d_random_state, length * sizeof(detail::curandState), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, stream));
// Update pointers hd=t_hd
if (d_random_state) {
d_random_state = t_hd_random_state;
// Init new[ ****]
if (h_max_random_size > length) {
// We have part/all host backup, copy to device array
// Reinit backup[ ** ]
const size_type copy_len = std::min(h_max_random_size, _length);
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(d_random_state + length, h_max_random_state + length, copy_len * sizeof(detail::curandState), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream)); // Host not pinned
length += copy_len;
if (_length > length) {
// Init remainder[ **]
unsigned int initThreads = 512;
unsigned int initBlocks = ((_length - length) / initThreads) + 1;
init_curand<<<initBlocks, initThreads, 0, stream>>>(d_random_state, _length - length, mSeed, length); // This could be async with above memcpy in diff stream
} else {
// Shrinking array
detail::curandState *t_hd_random_state = nullptr;
detail::curandState *t_h_max_random_state = nullptr;
// Allocate new
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&t_hd_random_state, _length * sizeof(detail::curandState)));
// Allocate host backup
if (length > h_max_random_size)
t_h_max_random_state = reinterpret_cast<detail::curandState*>(malloc(length * sizeof(detail::curandState)));
t_h_max_random_state = h_max_random_state;
// Copy old->new
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(t_hd_random_state, d_random_state, _length * sizeof(detail::curandState), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, stream));
// Copy part being shrunk away to host storage (This could be async with above memcpy?)
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(t_h_max_random_state + _length, d_random_state + _length, (length - _length) * sizeof(detail::curandState), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
// Release and replace old host ptr
if (length > h_max_random_size) {
if (h_max_random_state)
h_max_random_state = t_h_max_random_state;
h_max_random_size = length;
// Release old
if (d_random_state != nullptr) {
// Update pointer
d_random_state = t_hd_random_state;
// Update length
length = _length;
void RandomManager::setGrowthModifier(float _growthModifier) {
assert(growthModifier > 1.0);
RandomManager::growthModifier = _growthModifier;
float RandomManager::getGrowthModifier() {
return RandomManager::growthModifier;
void RandomManager::setShrinkModifier(float _shrinkModifier) {
assert(shrinkModifier > 0.0);
assert(shrinkModifier <= 1.0);
RandomManager::shrinkModifier = _shrinkModifier;
float RandomManager::getShrinkModifier() {
return RandomManager::shrinkModifier;
flamegpu::size_type RandomManager::size() {
return length;
uint64_t RandomManager::seed() {
return mSeed;
detail::curandState *RandomManager::cudaRandomState() {
return d_random_state;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace flamegpu